That blue box is the selection area for the arm, all the parts overlap like this
I can’t change it because otherwise the size wouldn’t import correctly
hi how are you guys im done with my break and im back and ready to start working again i also used the data keys stuff to save stuff for my other game ive been working on before i created the search
Okay what we need next is probably some rudementry enemy ai that isn’t just relying on a dice roll
Well it will rely on a dice roll but a weighted dice roll
For example if the enemy is low on heath than if the player has a higher health then they have a larger chance to heal
If the player has a lower health than their attack it has a higher chance to attack
If the players base attack is higher than their health they have a really high chance to heal.
It shouldn’t be too difficult to program the weighted rolls as I already made a <() in () chance> block
1 for the chance to attack
And 1 for the chance to heal
Then every time the enemy does an action it rolls a random number from 1 to that and compares what is higher and chooses that
We can constantly change these odds with if else statements to make an ai
I think a good starting place is to make a booleen that reports true based on a % chance
From there it should be possible to create one but I honestly cannot think about how this would be done