This was originally a topic for blocks from Scratch that Snap doesn't have, but I decided to just allow all workarounds in this list topic.
I didn't make these so if you have one that isn't here, please reply with it so this list can grow.
Each one has a link to where I got the workaround from on the word "Workaround".
Just so you know, this block
can actually be done by just using the set variable command.
Click the dropdown arrow, then hover over the "my>" symbol to open the sub-menu and select "draggable".
The whole point of the ATAN2 function is that computing x/y won't work if y=0 (i.e., if you're looking for a point directly above you). So this has to start with an IF to handle that case separately.
Well it seems to work as is, maybe thanks to the less than operator? I honestly don't fully understand why it works since I just replicated the block made by the scratch user lol