Continuing the discussion from Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 3) - #100 by joecooldoo.
Previous discussions:
Continuing the discussion from Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 3) - #100 by joecooldoo.
Previous discussions:
have you ever looked with your eyes?
of corse not
can't have it.
in other words pay attention.
click on my pfp and read
So basically, you can't work on this.
I can get ideas. do you use the normal snap blocks to make the jr. ones?
Yes, they are primitives.
then so can I. I can make blocks send them to you and then you put them in jr.
gotta go, bye
Is snap! jr. blocked?
can't do this like I said
jr. is a mod
Just remember, they use the same format as making a new custom block.
// Sensing
reportTouchingObject: {
only: SpriteMorph,
type: 'predicate',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'touching %col ?',
defaults: [['mouse-pointer']]
reportTouchingColor: {
only: SpriteMorph,
type: 'predicate',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'touching %clr ?'
reportColorIsTouchingColor: {
only: SpriteMorph,
type: 'predicate',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'color %clr is touching %clr ?'
reportAspect: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: '%asp at %loc',
defaults: [['hue'], ['mouse-pointer']]
reportStackSize: {
dev: true,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'stack size'
reportFrameCount: {
dev: true,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'frames'
reportYieldCount: {
dev: true,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'yields'
reportThreadCount: {
dev: true,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'processes'
doAsk: {
type: 'command',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'ask %s and wait',
defaults: [localize('what\'s your name?')]
reportLastAnswer: { // retained for legacy compatibility
dev: true,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'answer'
getLastAnswer: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'answer'
reportMouseX: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'mouse x'
reportMouseY: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'mouse y'
reportMouseDown: {
type: 'predicate',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'mouse down?'
reportKeyPressed: {
type: 'predicate',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'key %key pressed?',
defaults: [['space']]
reportRelationTo: {
only: SpriteMorph,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: '%rel to %dst',
defaults: [['distance'], ['mouse-pointer']]
doResetTimer: {
type: 'command',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'reset timer'
reportTimer: { // retained for legacy compatibility
dev: true,
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'timer'
getTimer: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'timer'
reportAttributeOf: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: '%att of %spr',
defaults: [['costume #']]
reportObject: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'object %self',
defaults: [['myself']]
reportURL: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'url %s',
defaults: ['']
doSetGlobalFlag: {
type: 'command',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'set %setting to %b',
defaults: [['video capture']]
reportGlobalFlag: {
type: 'predicate',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'is %setting on?',
defaults: [['turbo mode']]
reportDate: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'current %dates',
defaults: [['date']]
reportGet: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'my %get',
defaults: [['neighbors']]
reportAudio: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
spec: 'microphone %audio',
defaults: [['volume']]
Just edit the spec
part, inside of the ' '
For example:
reportURL: {
type: 'reporter',
category: 'sensing',
defaults: ['']
For any block that won't be easy for a child to understand, just don't edit it.
is that js?
ok thats a lot
makes sense
The if block isn't in the editor!
(I looked at objects.js and "doIf" is still there so IDK why.)
id use the normal if block
I deleted it from the pallette. I don't know why...
just show the normal blocks then hide all but the hat and the if blocks.