Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 4)

How do i fix it?

Hold on, let me see if the specs or the definition is gone...

They are not. I checked.

The definition is deleted (To remove it from the pallette)...

In what file?

objects.js! I'll repair it...

It's there.

 doIf: {
            type: 'command',
            category: 'control',
            spec: 'if %b %c'

That is the specs.

It's in objects.js

Yes, the specs are in objects.js. The definition is also there, as well.

OK, it's restored. Let me make it Jr-iffied...

And it's Jr-iffied! I'll release the new update...

Updating File...

@sir_kitten2: Snap! Jr. has been updated!

YAY! NO SCHOOL! (For a while)

@joecooldoo i can work on TOS.

Go ahead.


good for you.
I was not so lucky. mine is much harder then you think and it can't be canceled
meaning ill be on from 12:00pm to 8:00pm

Uh, I stay up until 10:00 pm doing homework.