
Nope!! is still Arround!
It’s different but both are made by the same person and are concidered the same thing

Moved to a new url


No, it’s it’s own thing seperate from snap

I recommend looking at the scratch topic in ATs as that has more info and future features

The repository is publicly archived btw you can still run it yourself!


Not 100% sure but it’s the source code meaning it should be possible

Can you add custom hat blocks?

um he posted only 1 hour before you. what delay?

oh ok.

????? I cant tell if youre just being friendly, or you know something I dont.

where can I acces this?

I dont like that all the custom blocks are in the 'other' category. Can you add a settings option to toggle that?

Guys, remember: SuperSnap is not the same mod as Snavanced!
SuperSnap is the name of the unfortunately inaccessible mod of sir_kitten2.
I am sorry about naming my mod like that. But I did say about it:

add this block:
Screenshot 2024-07-15 193941

{stop stage:: cap control} :: hat events
tell [stage v] to {stop [this sprite v] :: #F0CB7A} :: control

snavanced! needed this:
Screenshot 2024-07-15 195700
if you click on "be hat" the block you are created, the custom block changes into a hat

it also has a run this hat block
it looks like this:
Screenshot 2024-07-15 201040

About of stopping the stage, you are doing a workaround. Which is not bad in sense. :ok_hand:
But the stage can also be stopped using the same block as here:
untitled script pic
Captura de Pantalla 2024-07-15 a la(s) 16.58.15.p. m.

The stage is a scene from the another scenes you can create like slides for your project.
This is a feature from Snap! 7.3x (original). I just changed the name for it in Snavanced! (mine).


is it possible to hatize a cap block and make it a cap AND hat? (that is what happens with primitives.) im trying to make my old profile pic but in snap.

like this?

or like this?
Screenshot 2024-07-16 095948
when , when = , when the statement is true and when stop sign clicked

one is your favorite?
when ()
when () = ()
when the statement is true
when stop sign clicked

the run this hat block is literally my design.

I made that on April 6 and this post was over 15h ago