We need more people to work on projects for us!
That's why we are now hiring anyone to come and join us!
Here are the spots we have:
Chief Executive Officer: sladescar (TAKEN)
Head Developer: sladescar (TAKEN)
Developers: d4s_over_dt4 (AVAILABLE)
Web Designers: earthrulerr, mr_owlssssnap2 (AVAILABLE)
Beta Testers (HDP): slate_technologies, bombmanyeeted (AVAILABLE)
Reply if you would like to join!
i can do javascript and html but i cant do css
and i can make servers with python
web designers web designers web designers
-check(but i wont do any good to multisprite projects
can i take a spot as competitor
yay time to go make a .netlify.app and .github.io port of the website
i can do server backend and javascript(no snap)
theres css involved in the website, and more than 1 sprite involved
where is repl link i will do it afer school
do you need a backend i can make a backend
wait you dont even have a python repl or a node repl?darn
this is a collection of sniposses?