its just empty..?
They tried posting this link:
Me: Software Engineer & Web Developer, I can use C++ and make some software with it for Hyposyn too.
Idea: we could create a programming language… like my SANTA! language.
Names?: Hypo, Hyposoft, Posyn, etc…
I could make it in C++, for reference look at my SANTA! language.
Suggestion commands:
Format: (action), (token), (what it does)
print: print( text ), prints to console.
math: add/sub/mul/div (op ; op), operators= +,-,/,*
loop: loop( # ; code ), loops
Styling: command( input ), notice space in ().
that sounds good!
Nice, I’ll get started on it maybe tonight or tomorrow cause I got mid term day 2 today.
It will be on Replit, I’ll base it off of the SANTA! language.
I know how to make function( input ) work.
my opinion is just one operation called jump if subtracted negative
if(a<0)goto c;
that means no opcode at all and it becomes a nice language
i meant u go onto replit?
that's not creating a language, that's just taking one
for everyone here i feel like you should narrow down what the point of the language is and what makes it different from other ones
otherwise you'll probably just make a bad language that looks like some other ones you use
yeah from the post of bh on 1800's topic
its like raw machine code except there are no opcodes and you dont work in binary
to make an simplicity rather than a usability(otherwise,you javascript)
i said for everyone here to decide a point of a language, from where the conversation was going i don't think they want to make subleq again, it's already been done and is too easy to make. you could probably make it by yourself in a few hours, it would take longer by trying to involve multiple people in it
Can I help with development as well?
It's simple!
From my parity language i just used one minuite to modify to it
fine ill do my js version and you guys remake dpla
How did you find that post?
If you do make it make sure to fix the eval function
I'd like to write CSS for your website,
I wrote CSS for Two Years now.
All I need is a Discord to communicate with.
Sure! whats your replit username?
i think so cuz he has a blog website