yeah, that's me on repl
when should I start?
like, now or?
We need CSS for the links at the bottom of the page, and I need someone to correct the CSS for the projects section. (also, @mr_owlssssnap2 and I are the only ones working on the CSS so it will be nice to have another person to help out)
Okay, I'll start work on it tomorrow!
Also a Suggestion: why don't we change the color scheme from blue to black? it's nicer on the eyes and much more cleaner too.
I also go here cause I’m the project lead and lead developer of pysn+
What was the planned layout for the footer?
Four sections of links.
You should probably ask me or @mr_owlssssnap2 any CSS-related questions. Ask @earthrulerr for any HTML-related questions.
if anybody makes any changes please push them to github
here's the link: GitHub - Hyposyn/Hyposyn: Website for Hyposyn Software
just open the git tab in replit
Can you add me to the repository
Edit: Also maybe instead of putting peoples Snap! forums links we could put their personal website links, if they have one.
can ya add me to the Repo? username on gthub: xdHetchD
you are invited to the org
you should see the invite in your email