i'm making my own snap os to test out ui design and the abilities of snap, and i'd prefer it (even though the licenses allow it) for us to not just be taking code from eachother because that would get pretty boring
i wanna see some real innovation, comparisons, different implementations, other things for cross compatibility, all that good stuff
not just to go against snipos but also arcticos too since that seems to have popped up
EDITS (i also changed the title):
since everyone seems to be confused
i'm NOT asking people to make more OSes (i don't care whether you do or don't)
i'm asking that people making the OSes don't just take code around because then it's just stealing code and the best os isn't from the person that had the best ideas or most work, which is pretty boring
since those two already have shown an os i'm mainly asking them
if you want to make a competing os, you will be competing when a project is shared without copied code, there's no need to ask, just do.
anyways can you explain why you're posting it on this topic? it doesn't seem related in any way
i'm not asking random people to make more stuff i'm really just asking those two if we can not steal from eachother so more interesting stuff happens
the tags aren't the post
this isn't a vague "whatever" competition and i'm not asking for what people are doing
if you want to share what you're doing that's good but please just make a new topic
oh okay
can i revert the project?i missed the point and now want to make a cpu at circuit lab
anyways im too fond of cmd shells and wont have any gui elements aside the ask at all