Help creating the Tom horror game (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Help creating the Tom horror game (Part 1) - #108 by helicoptur.

Previous discussions:

everything scratch & github is blocked for me so that link is basically useless

i don't have a very good art app to use, either.

Funny story, I do this stuff on my school computer, but I have a laptop at home, so I probably could try and use that..

-Level Design - helicoptur
-Storytelling - 4cwefgtw9e587
-Character Design - leothemisfit & funtime_foxy101
-Animation - leothemisfit
-Music - helicoptur
-Voice Lines - helicoptur
Would anyone like to help with programming? I can do it, but it's not exactly my strong suit when I'm making these types of games..

i'm terrible at programming things unless it's an easy animation

-Programming - helicoptur
-Level Design
-Storytelling - 4cwefgtw9e587
-Character Design - leothemisfit & FUNTIME_FOXY101
-Animation - leothemisfit
-Voice Lines - helicoptur
Would anyone like to help with programming? I can do it, but it's not exactly my strong suit when I'm making these types of games..

Please make this a wiki post so we can claim spots and whatever more easily.
3 dots >> Wrench icon >> Make wiki

lol wrong post ur supposed to make this

a wiki post

but would you like me to edit & copy+paste this into the wiki post for you?

wait people can do one task at the same time?

yeah i guess it would be harder for some things than others but you could take turns designing characters or something

Sure- sorry I keep taking so long to respond to you guys..

already did it lol

Oh- okay, cool, sorry..

you really don't need to say sorry it's okay

Okay, I just have a bad habit of overapoligizing

theres no need to apologize for being busy

you can't help being busy with things (like school)

So, with the limited time I had, I made this new character, I thought perhaps this could be an older character (Not too old, like, a little bit older than Tom, like maybe 11 or 12) who would kind of be a bully to Tom, I'm gonna make more expressions for the different characters as well.
Angry1(2) Angry1 Panic2 Panic1 Smug2 Smug1

he can be

's bigger brother

hmm.. sure that could work..

omg i love the facial expressions