Coding jokes (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Coding jokes (Part 1) - #250 by futurealba.

Previous discussions:

when gf clicked::control
give [everyone v] a [wetsuit]::looks
for ((i)::control) = (1) to (∞) {
spawn (i) gallons of water::motion

okay. We need to find somewhere to create a plan.

lets sart where we left off


okay we need to try and find somewhere to go and prepare then go forward. Start the production of buckets!

repeat (1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
add [water bucket] to (stuff)

Clicking the [scratchblocks]@greenFlag::grey cap ring[/scratchblocks]

we need a plane one big enough for all of us!

running code

Computer, three to beam up!

It finally works and we are onboard a starship

Does this work?

here. a water bucket the size of the universe

we need something thats not too big as that.

here. a water bucket the size of the galaxy

just a bit smaller

here. a water bucket the size of the solar system

right try a water bucket the size of a mountain so its not too damaging

here. a water bucket the size of mount everest

nvm the starships perfect now we need to somehow fly up to the top of the glitch and fling the water however we need alot of people that can code can we get that?

good enough

go to x: (0) y: (100000000) z: (0) :: motion