Thanks! This is the Objective C best option.
Previous posts:
Thank you. These puns are like Rubies on rails, and they keep Assembling in front of me, Prolog-ing this post.
Wait- what's the Reason for this? These jokes have no Charm to them; you're just causing a lot of Racket.
Okay. Algol and stop now. Honestly, I'm just Yaccing on.
Actually, please don't! No programming jokes might make me feel Lost . I wish to never face that fact. It makes me feel like I'm attached to a ball and Chain .
You need to be like a program and run.
False problem!
why did the dog cross the road?
he was looking for a url to fetch!
(this is totally the worst one)
I'll grep for more puns. Please busy-wait for a second.
While you get puns, I'll PUNt a football chain.
did you hear about what happened in 2018?
purplephanos12 Snapped!
you know who else greps for more puns?
my code
insert muscle man image
You know who else snaps and greps for puns?
My momYes, that's actually the best roast look it up on Youtube.
insert muscle man image spam
def muscleman():
/ \
did you ever watch regular show?

did you ever watch regular show?
No, but I've watched regular expressions.
thats a shame, anyways

did you ever watch regular show?
No, not the show itself.
Please make like a Python and run
3, 2, 1, Go!
huh, neat
Yeah, I use to link the coding puns I make because some people might not understand what the heck brain$$\text{\color{RebeccaPurple}fudge}$$(modified for you know why) is.