Category Jam


ok ok

April 1st will be in 2 days.


Is @joecooldoo at school?

Me joining a game jam_
Not really a game jam but a competition nonetheless.

Today's the day! Post your links to the project here!

Just made a news article talking about this. Go check it out!

Here's the article.

Updated the topic, and you have 2 more days to work on your libraries/categories. Good Luck!

Didn't work out...


because someone decided to make a snap news article about jams, and people didn't submit anything

I did.

What does making a whole news article about jams have anything to do with people not submitting anything?

they arent related, the "also" kinda hints to that

You mean this?

If yes, there is no "also"

oh well that's my bad, and yeah those two aren't related

Then your point?

people who said they would participate ended up not participating?

but what does that have to do with the news?