Category Jam

it doesn't, it's there to be there


can we just drop it?

Drop it....?
What are we dropping?

stop speaking about it

Oh yeah sure


What the he double hockey sticks (or if your not a 9 year old and will allow me to use my “big boy words”):

mmmmm big boy words

Hell ban 9 year olds from the forum please

I just see pointless squeaking then an argument that makes no sense?


they weren't continuing to argue, they were thanking you for agreeing to stop the argument.

Breh it was a joke

hilarious joke. forgot to laugh

Somebody stole my chromebook I did not post this!

why don't i believe this

Idk... why dont u?

Yes I have to delete my big boy words file:(


Snap! Doesn’t allow even the simplest big boy words such as hell, damn, dumb well at least doesn’t want them used because of 9 and 8 year olds on the forums~~

im not banned yet