turbowarp just inherited addons from a browser extension called scratch addons (which garbomuffin also helped with). I know because I've been using scratch addons before turbowarp added them in.
yea i've seen some extensions like dark mode for scratch or stage on the left for scratch but i've never really seen anything else
scratch addons is a browser extension for scratch that adds a ton of features, most of them are in turbowarp.
Not only do you need to have a name and color for the category, you will also need an icon like mBlock's category editor.
Besides I also wanted to put a category deletion in this image, but I realized that if I put it, the other users would think that the other categories will have to be deleted "first"?
On the other hand, I already know that some of my drawings are ugly, but then I will be able to make another forum, OK?
you don't have to draw the blocks, you can just use
here's an example i made
scratchblocks homepage)%0A%0Awhen%20%3C%3E%20%3A%3Aevents%20hat%0A%0Awhen%20stop%20clicked%20%3A%3Aevents%20hat
Wow!!! You are a cool person.
very true
I was about to suggest that (on the scratch forums), but I had to do something else and forgot.
I don't think the Scratch font would be allowed because Scratch has to delete the font. And also, No offense but i think the blocks need some more work.
cloud meshs
google services of course
i know that but why would you want to access google services in the first place?
Same as well. Actually one of the reasons I LEFT scratch.
yeah so you dn this catogory
How so? just saying, Snap feels a bit... plain to me. I would like comments on profiles- but that was probably suggested already
i want a comment section for projects and profiles
My new forum will be posted soon.
thats been requested a ton of times already
here's one, and another one, yet another one, a feature request here, and a feature request there
all on the subject of comments.
Hey, you linked King_Coda's forum first. Pretty pog if I do say so myself.
...which means you probably are codealt.