Snap 7.0 feature hunt!

in that case you can make your own global message variable, and assign it from within the receiving script.

A problem here: If you broadcast a different message, that one above will still run.

yep, you'll need to check what you receive with the "any message" option.

What if it is a message that changes?

look at my example, you could encode kinds of messages by choosing different prefixes, like "score:".

Ah, makes sence.

actually, I'm not totally happy with this just yet, but it's one way that already works...

Hey jens, Why don't you add a reverse codification feature?
print("Hello, world!") ->
say[Hello, world!]

Why not just write a parser yourself?

Cause it's difficult. Try yourself.

It's not that hard...

OK, Then make one.

@jens I think the message block is useful (Especially for creating my AI)! So please don't take it away!

it's still there, it's just a dev mode block now.

So did @joecooldoo

If you have a need for the existing global message that can't be easily overcome with the new upvarmessage upvar then can I suggest just creating a global variable called last message and adding a small script to your stage

thank you, Simon, this is exactly the solution for those if (I receive _) situations I have in mind.

[EDIT - THIS POST INFORMATION IS OUT OF DATE but just leaving it up]
There's been a major visual change - the broadcast blocks have been changed to send blocks

Check it out :slight_smile:


Existing projects with broadcast blocks should be automatically converted to new syntax

E.g V6

gets automatically converted to this in V7


Note - Jens has warned me that this change might get reverted back to original method (as any V7 dev thing can) as there might be a lot of BJC stuff that needs changing

Why did you flag my post? I was just joking.

It looks like the new send blocks were renamed to broadcasts and the second drop-down can now be collapsed.

Also, the message upvar in the when key pressed and when I receive hat blocks are now only expandable when the any option is selected from the drop-down.