Snap 7.0 feature hunt!

It's a fast changing landscape :slight_smile:

Well, yeah. Do you need to know what event it is if your only listening for one event?

If we are going to block API requests, can we have a username block?

Someone might have mentioned this already, but you can make custom block categories in Snap*!* 7.



I wish instead of having to use a color picker, it would be nice if we also had the option of putting in rgb values, well, I'm fine without it. A while ago, I made a library that can create new categories with number inputs for the rgb color...

Yeah, Snap's colour pickers aren't great. I usually just use the colours library and try to avoid colour pickers all together. It would be nice if they eventually got an upgrade, but that probably won't happen any time soon.

I know its so cool!

It's possible now: r-g-b editor for custom category colors ยท jmoenig/Snap@03c71da ยท GitHub

huh, I don't see what was changed.

edit: I see now, right-click the color.

Make a new category in 7dev and right-click on the category color.

Edit: you found out.


I'm on BlueStacks Chrome.

But now on Win 10 Edge.

Win 10 Chrome now.

here's a screenshot of the rgb editor

Yep! That's it.

I just have a cool picker.

right-click the color input

I see the input for the touching color block and I can just pick any color I don't need to use numbers!

Oh, I was talking about the color picker in the create category dialog. The rgb editor isn't put into the color pickers in blocks.

Where was this found? This interests me a lot..

Snap! Dev Version.

I know, I'm just asking where inside of it.

Wait, sorry... I misread. Right-click the block pallette.