EZMod: Development

Soo... When do you want to work on this?


Lets start now. What is your replit username?

Don't have Replit.

Oh. I'm using replit.

Logged in.
Username : GracieEevee
The name of my cats.

I invited you

Where do I look?


Don't see it.

Go here: https://replit.com/@joecooldoo/EZMod-Cloud#main.py


OK, lets start



I finished the code for the server. Just need to make the finishing touches...

Annnnnd, we're done!


i made a main page for ezmod @coder_07 can u put this link: EZMod Main page in the hub and dev top posts so people can find the other ezmod posts and also how do I make the main post a wiki like where others can edit

I wana help with the server :~|