EZMod: Development

Its already done.


Discourse thinks this is not a complete sentence.

It's not lol

Ok well how to connect to server?

URL Block

I mean whats the url?

Ill need to find that out at some point


Now what can I do with the EZMod server?

Nothing, yet. The UI and everything isn't done (For Snap!).

The server works though

I mean what can you do with the server.

Its just storage.

how to use?

URL Block!

I mean whats the url to add item/delete item/change item?

I won't announce it yet.

Okay. (I used "Okay" instead of "Ok" because discourse requires 5 chars to make a post.)

I will be coming back tomorrow afternoon.

you should probably make a sepetrate server topic soon, and I can confirm it works, I saw the replit code and while I dont pretent to understand flask or anything above basic python, but I made some variables and it works, so good job