EZMod: Development

I'm gonna try to do the saving function you want to make.

But first, I need to make a prototype test to ensure that it works.

Will this include a good implementation of hitboxes. I have been wanting to make a Smash-like game for a while, and these features would be so very useful. If you need help I can involve myself, but I am much more experienced with Scratch than the Snap! features not in Scratch.

@coder_07 Pen Costumes?

@coder_07 Here's a prototype of the saving algorithm I made.
It's very inefficient, but, it's still just a prototype.


Could we use cloud variables to save thumbnails, titles, and links to projects on the "Play" page?



yea but we need a good server for that tho, probably a database that we make calls to with url block,

Sigh. More work for me, I guess.

@coder_07 You want a website for EZMod that is kind of like Scratch? And has competitiveness?

I don't think the categories will make the website popular...If you look back at Scratch, it had all these categories. And what happened to it? People started to get jealous and mass report people because they think those popular projects don't belong there.

I think the categories will damage the reputation of the website and it will be gone in less than a blink of an eye.

Category list suggestions

Yes, kind of.

Remember what happened to Scratch? It had so much competitiveness in it that people started becoming jealous because they WEREN'T popular and most of the popular projects were made by already existing popular people. Then it turned into a full-blown war and soon Scratch was a toxic website.

I suggest you NOT to put any competitiveness into your website. It would just be more work for you to stop all the fights and mass reports.

The cats. are also gonna be based of how (un-)popular they are.

I suggest you NOT to put any competitiveness into your website. It would just be more work for you to stop all the fights and mass reports.

@coder_07 EZMod is technically not a Snap! thing anymore, it's evolved into its own thing.

Quite a bit of shift-lock here.

No.It's a game engine where you code in Snap! and save it in a Snap! file.