Check out my new game! (Part 1)

its ok

AHEM.....last time I checked, JS and HTML isn't needed for making minecraft better, you can do 3D with the Snap! Language.......

And plus, JS and HTML cannot be the solution to everything. -_-
What's the point of using snap if you are only gonna use HTML and JS.....

That is laggy :frowning:
You should interact more with the GPU for more FLO(PS).

Not for me, plus....the lagginess is actually from the computer, it's not Snap!'s fault.

javascript is a language used for the web @funtime_foxy101
If snap was better then javascript, websites like facebook and whatever will be using snap
Snap has JS support so use it...
Plus snap was built on JS

Btw are we going to start css custom fonts
Custom fonts are used like this:

@font-face {
  font-family: "whatever name your font you want to be";
  src: url("source of the file ") format("file type"),

And then you just do this:

font-family: whatever font name you chose;

I'll learn with you,that is the part of css that i can't learn from KA.

Sure you can learn with us Idk if my gf @funtime_foxy101 saw this yet You can go here for tutorials...

But in that website I'm stuck on ML :rofl:
Machine learning
Oof,I changed it to css :smiley:

Idk what ML means

Post is not empty

Oh ok

o look another ~ B L O C K E D ~ link.... :0
Boy, when will you learn....

I donut care.....USE SNAP OR ELSE I WILL FREAK OUT....
Plus, what's the point of even using Snap if you are only going to use JS?? Hmm? >:T

how do you render cubes in snap then? the canvas context is 2d you cant yeet 3d in a thing for 2d

How does Three.js put 3D graphics onto a 2D computer monitor?

Its something called canvas context which allows for 3d

this is possible using raw javascript...
3js just simplifies it

If it's possible to put 3D on a 2D computer monitor, then shouldn't it be possible to put it on a 2D canvas?

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