Check out my new game! (Part 1)

Ok, thats fine.

From a long time ago reply but,
How do i center something in html?
(Like if it was the snap stage, in coordinates 0,0 for details...

Aight....heres what you want.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's been a while since I have done HTML and I remember using padding for centering things....

or, you can use


Wrong :expressionless: @funtime_foxy101
here @shushforshasha
Use this css


Hey, don't blame me, it's been a long time since I have done CSS....

its ok I can teach you! :wink:

alright, can you re-teach me how to make text with font with CSS?

sure we'll do it tommorow


Hint:we use something called font-family

font-family: Sans;

yeah, but you can't use google, you'll need a link to a specific font, put it in your HTML, and then you rename it to the font of the link.

font-family: Playfair Display;

I see now....

this should be for coloring the full page...
body: color rgb(23, 56, 98);

did I get that correct?

We will talk about custom fonts tomorrow


We’ll talk tomorrow

or just set the body tag's align to center.

It should be:

color:rgb(23, 56, 98);

oh, ok. thanks

no he needs it perfectly in the center... talk about this tommorow

I wish to collab with you guys but I need to have time for myself too...Sorry I cant collab...Maybe some other time