Who wants to collab for a horror game? (Part 9)

It explains why they would hack into their own messaging system
It will allow for more gameplay opportunities, so many possibilities

It connects everything together

if kyos the player then what was she doing in the first game trying to kill you? also i like that changes but check out my version theres lots of new stuff

That’s gonna be explained in her death diolauge
“Seems like you’re having some trouble, maybe I should go easy in you next time…”
“I almost feel bad for you”
“You sure about this?”
“Skill issue tbh”
“Get good” quietly: “sorry…”

I mean ill go with it but that would make since why she could hack because shes a robot but basically in chapter 4 my plan is all the charachters meet up , and apparently they all lost there search team a long time ago too and now they're working as a group to find all they're teams together while exploring the city to uncover its secrets

i mean she couldve just had a malfunction in the first game was being hostile.

Hard mode exclusive:
“Come on! I’m the only one who doesn’t change!”
“Got distracted huh.”
Easy mode exclusive
“You know maybe that was a bit overkill.”
Time dependent
Within 30 seconds of 1 am: “wow you got unlucky”
Within 30 seconds of 6am: “you almost got it! Keep trying!”
Within 5 seconds of 6am: “you really couldn’t hold me for like 5 seconds?”
Within 1 second of 6am: “wow, 5:59 huh, that’s uhh, I’ll just give you that one” (cuts to 6am)

Shows she’s sympathetic toward you, she feels bad after killing you and goes to find you to apologize

ok but do you like my story part for the chapter4 storyline also my ideas

Yes, it’s pretty good


im already made books for the search that actually explain the story and all that so players dont get confused

That’s why it would make sense for me to vice the player, because well
I’m kyo’s voice and that’s who you are

What’s the fun in just telling them.

ok so basically in the game in chapter1 you play as player1 chapter 2 you play as kyo player2) and then in chapter 3 you play player3 which im gonna make the charachter for that one. and in chapter4 they all team up only difference is kyo is looking for a team shes searching to say sorry to them and in return for hurting them she teams up wih them to help them

Ok the hints for kyo being the player are
1 in 1000 chance every 2 seconds of the screen being tinted slightly yellow
1 in 5000 chance of a 1 cypher key letter appearing along with the cypher every time you die

i like writing books i ve made a few but we can do that too its just if they want a complete story they can read my 6 chapter book

or we can just make the screen yellow with her eyes but you can toggle the screen on

If we are to make books, they shouldn’t just strait up tell the story, they should just give hints/explanations for it and tell their own complete story

yeah , thats what my book is about

Nah, tinting it yellow is better