Who wants to collab for a horror game? (Part 4)

Can I just be called Pax in the credits?



Voting and progress bars no longer work, this is very important


I finally fixed them, I’ve been up for a while trying to fix it..

Everyone refresh their trello page

Oh nice!
Checking it


Floodlight works!

Wait, whats a floodlight?

basically it removes the cone vision from the flashlight at the cost of more power consumption

Ohhhhh, okay

Next is power generation

It will drain flashlight power and add power to the building

I could try that

Is there a bit of math behind it? like, do you want a certain amount of flashlight power to drain?

I’m making it, there’s no need it’s really simple
I’ve made an easy system for it
Can you try and program adien?

I think shadow is adding aiden in chapter 2

That's what they told me last night.

power generation is “done” but it currently has no use because there’s nothing that drains building power
This was literally the entire script for it lol
The search mine script pic 4
That overly complicated script for pc systems is paying off

Um, wait have you implemented the tutorial in yet?

mine do