Who wants to collab for a horror game? (Part 10)

I saw polar bears at the zoo!

Some kyo animation frames for arm cannon
Arm cannon 2
Arm cannon 1
Arm cannon 4
Arm cannon 5

cool! :smiley:

This game is gonna be huge, I wanted to include 20 characters but we would need
Idle frames
3 different animated attacks
Win animation
Win loop animation
Overworld idle for each direction
Overworld walk for each direction

All 20 times over…

Might be a bit too much for snap to handle graphics wise

So we will just include each character from the original

So that’s:
12 overwold walking sprites in 16 directions
( standing still 6 times for each character in 8 directions, walking for the 8 characters in 8 directions 3 frames)
All battle sprites exclude unshattered kyo cuz she’s almost done
15 battle idle sprites (3 frames best case scenario)
15 different attacks (just attacks not even the frames probably around 6)
5 win animations (10 frames)
5 win loop animations (5 frames)

Can someone calculate this?

Screw it I’ll do it

8 idle overworld
24 walking sprites ( we can cut it down to 5 for each dir if mirroring, so 15)
3 battle idle frames
15 attack frames (5x3)
10 win frames
5 win loop frames
57 in total
57x5 for each character excluding kyo

285 frames, not even including the missing kyo frames….
Including those and give or take a few special frames for each character
Let’s just round down and say 300
How do we cut this down further?

Wow, that's a lot of frames,

Kyo is finished as well as battles, and also you can encounter in the overwold. all that’s left is more characters, and the overwold

Wait are you working on a different game.

Can @shadowmeowmeow32 provide a few shadow sprites?
We can actually use the full model now

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