Development work with collboration team (Part 1)

What’s wrong?

I may be able to code both if needed

oh no i read your message wrong i though it said "I thhink my movement system SAYS can u code the cat now while i code the tv. SOrryy :frowning: i got really confused but yes i can code the cat id love to i was just confused

Ok! Just wanna make sure that I’m not the only one coding everything new lol

Sadly on apple devices sound is broken so I can’t hear it :frowning:

I’m probably gonna add a surprise feature after I add the tv

I gotta do something I’ll be back “soon” ™️

Yeah plus i love coding so i would never miss a chance to code

hey blubcodes!

Hi I have to go


In English, next is lunch I can work on it then

In lunch but I got stuff to do


“Good enough for a placeholder” -azel 2023

Excuse my god awful handwriting

You there @shadowmeowmeow32 (just asking)

yes sorry but it dont look to bad i write worse but not draw really good i like it

i like it its great!

do you wanna see the a animation i made its for the menu screen :DDDDDDD

wrong kind of block coding lol

they're custom blocks

I am interested in helping although I usually work on more technical items however I do love a good horror game. Is there any way I could help in logic areas?

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