What happened to oscar robinson


did his account get banned by a mod or is he deleting it.

he left

i know but did his account got banned

i got ip banned on sunday, but I dont think my profile said that

He got muted.

Maybe because of that hacke - I, I mean - spammer.

I got temp-banned once, and my profile did have the "user is suspended" banner.

i've never been banned

I have been banned once. Not telling you why.

I was suspended for at least a day, and it showed on my profile as @helicoptur said.

No, I made a fake bh account with a fake lattin h, wanted him to pm me so i kept replying a comment so i could tell him this, and he should fix it but apparently he deleted it 3 times, but i just logged it, not create a new account, and then he ip banned me.

It was not fun, dont do it.

Edit: Bh and I had a long kinda harsh conversation via email



i have never been banned here before considering im pretty inactive due to me having stuff to do outside of snap (shocking)

im just messing with the save and multiplayer scripts over on scratch

Well, as I said, it wasn't the first time you were warned.

If it makes you feel any better, when I was about 15 years old, I was on the receiving end of such a conversation. I didn't enjoy it, but I stopped being annoying.


Same here.

Hey! Its been a while!

Hey, I'm curious, what did you do?

Oh, just annoyingly following the head system programmer around while he was trying to do stuff, me trying to start a conversation on an irrelevant topic. I was very clueless about what people found annoying.

So, what I did?