What happened to oscar robinson

More or less, except face to face, not computer-mediated. So I had less of an excuse for not getting it, since I could see his face and body language.

Back then, they hadn't invented the idea of an autism spectrum; "autistic" meant people who sat facing the corner and shook their bodies without ever saying anything, i.e., the most extreme end of what's now a spectrum. I think had there been such an idea when I was a kid, I would have been diagnosed as mildly autistic, and they would have taught me explicitly how people are supposed to interact. But instead I was just diagnosed as weird and nerdy.

This makes me so angry. I am autistic, but I dont do this, and people at school really saying "oh but you dont look weird, so you dont have autism" like bruh i have autism not down-syndrum and "but you dont act autistic" bruh you call me an idiot because i take in information longer and make the same mistakes, THOSE ARE LITERALLY THINGS AUTISTIC PEOPLE USUALLY DO. This whole paragraph makes me so angry lol, people are dumb

I can go over everything i do if you want

Sorry. I was describing how people thought about autism when I was a kid, ≈65 years ago. Anyone who could carry on a conversation wasn't considered autistic back then. So, in particular, someone like me who was smart and largely functional wasn't officially diagnosed as anything, but just seemed a little strange. You're lucky that today you get an official diagnosis, informed special help in and out of school, etc. Your peers who don't understand all that are just ignorant. Best if you can ignore them, or maybe calmly explain that what counts as autism has changed since people thought as they think.

Uhhh, well its undiagnosed so I dont get help, but it isnt too bad. I just say and do random things at random times, which honestly is really embarrassing 2 seconds after you do it, and learn things a bit slower, but after school online tutoring helps a bunch

Oh man I have so many questions about that, but it's none of my business, so feel free to tell me so.

Does "undiagnosed" mean that the experts don't think you're autistic, or does it mean that you haven't been seen by an expert? Is the after school online tutoring something you[r parents] pay for, or is it something like Khan Academy that's free? Or does school pay for it?

Havent been seen.

Its on a google meet on Wednesdays, and yes it free.

i think i might have undiagnosed autism too

is it all the time? also, what other symptoms do you have?

yes all the time i say and do random things. and not once have i been diagnosed.

have you been seen before? Also, I hope you dont do it in the most awkward of situations, like during a math test (long story short: i banged my hand on the table for no reason last week during a test :man_facepalming:), or right in front of your crush on the bus

people see me all the time, very awkardly

i hate it when it happens

I just reread this, I'm not angry at you, im angry at the people in the paragraph

There's no point being angry at people who lived before anyone knew any better. Back then, they also thought autism was a result of bad parenting, rather than being genetic.

You should get a professional examination. Maybe it'll turn out that instead of autism you have Tourette's or something.

Oh yeah, that sounds like me, but, i do more than just have tics

Well to be honest he didn't give me credit for the Sky Ship project. Could be one of many factors leading up to the suspension.

bang, bang, bang

No, he got suspended because he kept on advertising his youtube channel.

he probably was forced to leave, please respect this, as you are being really rude

My point wasn't that I'm diagnosing you. I'm not competent to do that. I was just giving an example to show that there are other diagnoses, leading to other treatments, and you should consult an expert.

I mean, I guess that's pretty annoying. I was part of the people who didn't enjoy that.

I didnt really care tbh