Weird Graphical Issues (How does this even happen?)

I know this isn't really Snap's fault, but
I clicked on "run snap", looked back down at my pizza rolls, looked back and—

Christ! This actually made me jump when I first saw it. It was easily fixed after a reload, but how does this even happen?

must've been the pizza rolls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


almost certainly not snap. issue could be in the low level browser rendering code, your gpu driver, or the gpu hardware. i've seen similar plenty of times from faulty low level graphics programs and a dying gpu.

My GPU is fine; I never said this was a Snap issue. This was a one-off thing.

Yeah, definitely a browser/computer issue. Granted, I didn't have pizza rolls when I tried it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably the same thing that happened with the Super Mario 64 bit-flip incident. :wink:

hey i watched that video too

Or that one voting machine.

yea weird stuff happens like that to me as well sometimes
it always picks the worst time to break :sob:

happened again, no pizza roles

probably unrelated but what?

typed b and this happened

EDIT: okay this is happening on all tabs now, this must be some chrome canvas rendering issue and its not nice

just happened to me

hey, are you @dank_official ?

who is that

idk you just have similar pfps

yeah, i just checked, the account pfp seems to be a copy of mine in dark theme. weird...

considering last time they posted was September of 2021, I think its just coincidence
I found them when looking for a hex to rgb converter (found in crayons and colors library) and saw that and was like "oh cat block dude changed his pfp"

hm yes well I clicked the input and my screen went crazy again

I think I'll stop with the examples now, but I do need a fix

@mr_owlssssnap2 @sathvikrias to both of you what's your os and gpu? i doubt it's a browser issue (very unlikely to have visual bugs that carry across multiple tabs like that because of the browser sandboxing) and both of you have it, so i'm thinking it's a driver bug.

It's not a gpu bug or it would affect the whole screen afaik. It's a canvas rendering issue. I ran snap in kiwi browser, messing around with it for around an hour, and the bug was not present.

Chrome, personal Chromebook

Also, the glitched patterns do not persist to other tabs