project I made that I love: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks (I really like custom blocks, especially ones that handle blocks)
can you add this to the collection?
I love SNAP!
I love MicroBlocks.
So I made a SNAP! program FromSnapToMicroBlocksWithLove.
And a MicroBlocks program FromSnapToMicroBlocksWithLove.
Together they transmit 8bit images of 240x240 from SNAP! to Microblocks using the HTTP Server feature of the MicroBlocks IDE.
Need a micro device with a TFT display, eg: Adafruit CLUE, or similar.
Connect it to the PC with a USB.
Load the MicroBlocks program to it.
Enable the HTTP Server.
Run the program.
On SNAP, load the SNAP program and run it.
There is a default image in program and it will get transmitted to the TFT and displayed.
A word can mean different things in different contexts. So, all the following are different meanings:
I love Van Gogh's paintings.
I love ice cream.
I love Jens.
Jens loves his sons Luis and Laurenz.
Jens loves his wife Nicole.
Only the last of those involves "physical attraction." The last three involve hugs, though (in non-covid days, for the third one).
The intent of the topic of the month is that on the one hand, it's inspired by Valentine's Day, but on the other hand, we didn't want it to be too narrowly focused on valentines. But if we include "I love this Snap! project," then it's so broad that any project might fit. Perhaps as a compromise we could ask that if it's the project you love (as opposed to the subject matter of the project) you could put "I love this project because..." in the project's notes.
(I actually put in the ice cream one both because I love ice cream (sadly) and because I love how the project represents the menu as a list of lists of blocks. (And because Jens suggested including it.))
(I love lists of blocks because they are the best examples to show what it means for a data type to be first class; it's the central thing-you-can't-do-in-Scratch.)