The search topic 2 electric boogaloo (Part 1)

Everyone deserves second chances, id help if i knew how to code in unity.

Plz dont argue over this, but if anything i was being taken "advantage" of, i was doing all the work myself, but i wasnt forced to do it (hence the quotes)

I would have done it all myself if i wanted to. But its not very nice of me to just make the entire game myself and not let anyone else work on anything. These games are things i can churn out in a weeks time.

ok cookie look i can teach you how to do unity but its gonna take some leanring c+ but can i pls ask you one thing? im not mad at you but whyd you guys go straight to chapter 3 and leave me behind to do everything i can forgive you if you answer that because thats the whole reason why im mad

oh then i forgive you im sorry i made a big deal about but ik you can tell why im mad alright ill reform the team and make a new version of the search you still use scratch right? ill teach you unity but we should work on a version on scractch while we wait im sorry for leaving and making a big scene and everything you wanna join back shadow studios

ive got to go i gotta to go somehwere but ill be back to see your reply

didnt you tell us to not work on it?

i wanted to just make, something, while you where away.
the way i did it was uncalled for, i agree, and i wasnt completely in a right state of mind at that time.
but you cant really blame me, working on those games where the only source of entertainment i really had.

i do want to join back, but only if we actually all work together.
we should actually make the next game BIG like a multi month thing with at least 1 hour of content

we should also all work together on deciding everything instead of "this is how it was developed so its staying that way" we should plan out eatch feature instead of just having someone (almost always me) add it just because we wanted to

Its been a while, huh?

ty you thist time we do it the right way also i agree with you and can understand tht you were bored

how about this, we make a game with multiple different parts and one or multiple of us work on each part simultaneously, each part has their own director and team

ok but rn im currently game planning for a different game so give me a week or so during then you can message me on forum with more ideas and if you want work on a base for yours ideas (coding if you want

currently just remaking the opening of ffpz

will be busy for a while after the 25th cuz thats when ruin comes out

ok well same cause im working on a game called Shadow Services a shooter thing youl see

custom hat blocks being worked on?

hmmm thats strag=nge

@Kukkīkurikkā 33

this error seems way too specific to not be an indication of it

i cant think of any other explanation for this error

Sorenara wakarimasu それならわかります

u good?

sorry azel ive been learning japanese and i guess ive been using it to much that im just used to it now... i meant to say idk then

i was trying to say @cookieclickerer33 because i had an idea for something

yea, i definitely believe that.
you dont have to do it like that, you can just tell us you're learning it