
no, its set to js

EDIT: @helicoptur , You there?

Ok, but why doesn't it work?

why are you asking me? I don't know.

@snapenilk would you know?

ok sorry

I don't know enough about the Snap! source code, but I might be able to figure it out if I study long enough.

I think I might know. This block (untitled script pic (14)) already exists in Snap! as a debugging primitive. So maybe you just accidentally chose the selector of the primitive when rewriting blockTemplates() and need to make it a different selector name.

It works! Thanks.

What does this mod add? I want to know.

Not much yet, it is still under development

Oh ok.

What do you want it to add?

I'm not sure yet.

I can't do cloud vars tho, as I don't know networking


I would like to request these blocks:
send [] to clipboard::grey
run ((clipboard [costume v]::grey)@addInput::grey ring)@addInput::control
download file [] named [] extension (.txt v)::grey
run((import [.mp3] [audio/mp3] [mpeg]@delInput@addInput files::grey)@addInput::grey ring)@addInput::control
run((read file [pls add a special file input type also that would be super cool] as [text v]::grey )@addInput::grey ring)@addInput::control
be added to the JS category.

ok, I was working with DOM manipulation tho

the clipboard blocks are DOM manipulation.