Suggested process for handling variable number of parameters for a custom block

Yes, to make help screens for custom blocks.

No, I meant, nothing in 7 is going to make using JS-powered menus any easier than it is now!

Last update today :sleeping_bed:
Block to clear all block variables.
variadic script pic (4)

Easier wouldn't be a problem - harder would be the problem :slight_smile:

I don't think it'll get harder, i.e., you have to enable JS to do it, and that'll still be true, but no other obstacles. It sounded to me as if you were waiting in the hope that it'd get easier, the way using libraries will get easier in 7.

No - just waiting for it to reach at least beta and preferably RC stage.

Once bitten, twice shy as we say over here :slight_smile:

@kinestheticlearning In reply to your questions on other thread about why not use variadic slots

One of the problems of variadic inputs in a custom block is that if you make even the slightest edit to the block definition - any existing use of the blocks in a project immediately lose their parameters. :frowning:

I am looking to try and persuade a library author to add additional options to their blocks and I want to keep things as simple as possible in order to boost chances of my enhancements being accepted

I decided that Dardoro's clever ideas might be a step too far so just going to try a simple approach at first.

Could I persuade you to delete your comments in the other thread to keep it on topic please? :slight_smile:
