Stuff about ϕ

Binet's formula $$B_n={({1+\sqrt5\over2})^n-({1-\sqrt5\over2})^n\over\sqrt5}$$
Something about $$\phi$$ is $$[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1...]$$ (Please tell me what it is if you know)

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Not seen that symbol before - where is used? - what sort of discussions does it come up in?

It's phi, the golden ratio. The $$n^{th}$$ Fibonacci number divided by the $$(n-1)^{th}$$ approaches $$\phi$$ as $$n$$ approaches $$\infty$$, which is written mathematically as (I think) $$\lim_{n\to\infty}{F_n\over F_{n-1}}=\phi$$
(I'm not sure how to get the "$$n\to\infty$$" to be under the "$$\lim$$".)



I remember now :slight_smile:

What is this symbol???


It is a Greek letter. It has some mathematical terms. Is it like PI?

See warped_wart_wars reply three posts back :slight_smile:

It's somewhat like $$\pi$$, for example it's irrational, etc.

φ = 1.618033988749895

How I did it.

untitled script pic

$$\phi$$ is only approximately equal to that.

It's infinitely long, but you got the first few digits.

And doesn't repeat. Which means it's irrational.

Okay..? I know that, I feel like you're just showing off right now...

I just like math. I knew you almost definitely knew, but I like giving mathematical facts.

$$\phi$$ is also called "the golden ratio" because ancient Greek architects thought that a rectangle whose sides are proportional to 1 and $$\phi$$ was the most aesthetically pleasing shape for a building, or a room in a building. WIkipedia says that people used to think the Parthenon was built in a golden ratio, but more recent scholarship has debunked that idea.

But that post was a bit far up. Plus you gave a link to Wikipedia.

To your whole post:
There are other ratios like the golden ratio, collectively called "metallic ratios". (Numberphile has a video on them.)


Why the sigh? (BTW that rhymes.)