Block access from Snap! to the API! I found out a simple script that can contact the API with a list.
And that list will create a new account!
This REALLY needs to be fixed. I'm emailing. Snap.
Why would you show attach a script pic so that anyone can replicate it?!
to use it you have to know how the list works
It's pretty easy to figure out!
OK, go ahead and show me and I will delete that part.
Item 1 is the name of the new user, item 2 is the email and item 3 is the password.
Still though!
That isn't even my script. Cycomachead shared the script.
It's a list with 2 items, the second one being a list as well. The aforementioned list has another list inside it, and that list has another list inside it, and that list has 3 items that pertain to name, email and password.
Edit: Is this right? @joecooldoo
Also, you don't need to have knowledge of how the list works to use this.
Still wrong.
I already said
And I edited it.
Yes you do. It is formatted in a certain way.
@cycomachead Do you want to adjudicate whether we want this in the forum?
I don’t see what’s wrong here.
This is making a request like any tool could do.
We added some protections in recent snap but there’s nothing bad about this
I think the concern is that we do have spammers on the forum and shouldn't want to publicize how they can make bot accounts.
I'm not taking a position, just trying to clarify the question.
You can do this without a Snap script...
- There are many good uses of the snap API.