Spam Issue!

BEEP BOOP. I AM A BOT ACCOUNT :robot: :robot: :robot:

regardless of whether this is a security issue or not - this is unfortunately not the way to report such things :slight_smile:

This is probably your 1st ever such report so probably you wouldn't know

The protocol when you think you've found a security issue (in any software project) is to privately contact the devs

I realise you've had issues contacting the team using email but in future, if you find something else like this - just flag a post and you can send the team a message that way (Only misuse the flagging system like this if you have to of course)

Recently? Changing to require account activation should solve this.

Yes. I just banned one today.

@joecooldoo I know you took out the code. But how did you get the encode block? I searched the libraries so it's a custom block right? Where can I find it?

The one in the picture of the topic description before joecooldoo edited

The code to make a bot account.

I don't remember.

Ok. Thanks.

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