Space land devlog

Welcome to the official Space Land Devlog page!

where i document the creation of space land

Feel free to reply to this topic with questions and comments.

Check out my priorities here!


version change
1.1 i have been working on making all of the buildings in the game converted to my new system which is much speedier than the previous system as well as making it easier to code and play
1.1 (part 2) i have almost finished making all behind the scenes stuff work with the new system
1.1 (part 3) with every building i convert to the new system the file size shrinks

i have been working on making all of the buildings in the game converted to my new system which is much speedier than the previous system
as well as making it easer to code and play

i have almost finished making all behind the scenes stuff work with the new system

with every building i convert to the new system the file size shrinks

did you read the sign
go to the main page if you want to say anything

Just use a wiki. No need to flag people.


Press ... under the post, press the :wrench:, then press make wiki.

There you go!

what does that do then




It makes it so that people can edit the post. It is exactly what you need. I'll set up the post in the way you want.



How's that?

just perfect
thanks for the help
