SnipOS3 - Twice the power, at half the size

I measure it by like how much it has changed. Like for example, when you go from

Android 4.4 KitKat


Android 13

You can see how much its changed.
Take a look at

SnipOS 1.52


It takes over 12.4 seconds for it to show the lock screen.

Now look at

SnipOS 3.1.2

It now only takes about 3.84 seconds to load unless you have slow internet speed.

That's what i consider power.

that's because you intentionally add delay at the start as a loading screen
i don't think intentional slowdown should count here, either this is part of the aesthetic, and part of the os, or it's a malicious marketing practice

then again if malicious marketing is part of the aesthetic then that's pretty accurate and hilarious


i mean i didn't intend to make it malicious, but yeah SnipOS1 is suppost to resemble a computer from like the 2000s