Snapple is a web engine created and designed by earthrulerr for Lunar OS. Any bug reports or feedback about Snapple? Just say it below!
You can not re-publish Snapple and claim it as your own. If you re-publish it or share it you must give credit. Snapple is not responsible for what URL/search you put in.
Snapple was originally made for Lunar OS and will be used in Lunar OS when Lunar OS gets released unless plans change. To run Snapple you must be in editor and enable JavaScript. You do not need to put https:// at the beginning of your URL for an example put ‘ or search Snap Berkeley‘ and enter. If you find any bugs please report them on the forums and please tag @earthrulerr
If you share projects publicly, then you must abide by additional rules:
Anything you share is available to other users for any purpose, including the sharing of modified versions of your projects. By sharing a project, you are agreeing to license it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. (Fine print: If you want your project to be considered "free software" then you should waive the "NonCommercial" part of the license, but we do not impose this choice on you). This license also applies to any media (images, sounds, etc). you share on this site.
If you do use someone else's work in creating your project, you should give them credit for it, in your project notes.
It's not that you shouldn't take pride in your work -- of course you should. And anyone who remixes your work should properly credit you, as the ToS require. But we want our community to be a community, which means we support each other. Please don't be propertarian.
That's obvious. And if you remix it, it automatically gives credits.
As bh said, snap is under the Creative Commons license, so what ever you
publish on snap, it has to be able to be remixed.
But the person remixing it has to give credit,
and I think in the licence, you have to change it a little bit, but I don't think you will get banned if you don't.
What SOME are you talking of? ALL coding websites, like Scratch, Snap!, MIT App Inventor, and some non-coding websites, like TinkerCAD, have the same "Auto give credit" stuff (They automatically say which user made the original project and say "This project is a remix of")