Snapblocks (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Snapblocks (Part 1) - #252 by sonic123cdmania.

Previous discussions:

Well, there's nothing I can do to help with that.

:-(. Sad

unless they decied to add it to forums sorry man

I just upgraded define blocks to make them easier to make.

{test {test} $turtle (wow) [cool] <nice> ((cool)) :: motion} :: define+

test ({} @addInput) @turtle () [] <> ()


Yeah, you can now use $ instead of @ for icons (both act the same, although I am thinking of allowing the $text-size-r-g-b to work for text with a $).

But, the icon list might be an oversight. There is a plain list icon, but also a list input.

I did not think about that, but I can add that in.

You guys asked for it, I added the ability to set block colors (and input colors) using rgb values instead of a hex code.

(color [rgb(0 , 255 , 255)] :: rgb(0,255,0))

snapblocks (2)

This really stemmed from me using the Color class from snap (more specifically morphic.js) in snapblocks, which has a function to get a color from an rgb() string (well, it was rgba(), but I modified it to allow rgb(). Should I see if jens wants that in morphic.js?).

edit: oops, somehow I broke something
edit2: now it's fixed

Alright guys, I feel like I'm getting close to the last thing I'm adding this release. Here's what I've currently added.

  • Boolean switches.

    • <t> <f> <true> <false>
      snapblocks (7)
  • Snap define blocks automatically replace different shaped inputs with upvars

    • {[string] (number) <boolean>} :: define+
      snapblocks (4)
  • Actually correct comments

    • snapblocks (5)
  • Set color using rgb values

    • (color [rgb(0 , 255 , 255)] :: rgb(0,255,0))
      snapblocks (8)
  • Add icons using $

    • $turtle
      snapblocks (9)

I do want to add the ability to change text color using $text-s-r-g-b before I release 1.4.0 though.

edit: I've got that working for the snap style, not the scratch styles yet.

Keep in mind, I have not released all this yet, I'm just putting all of this here so you guys can see what I've done. Plus, there's a lot more stuff that changed behind the scenes anyway.

I've finished refactoring the snap style line positioning code, this time pretty much just copy / pasting from the snap source code, so hopefully the snap style is even more accurate.

I also managed to allow you to change the scale and color of text, by using the same syntax that snap uses, $text-s-r-g-b, although it's currently only in the snap style.

1.4.0 got released.

No more than 2 consecutive posts

I have released Snapblocks 1.4.0.

New Features:

  • Boolean switches. You can now do <t>, <f> (small true and false boolean inputs), and <true> and <false> (for big (static) boolean inputs).
  • Scale and recolor text using the same syntax as Snap!, $text-s-r-g-b e.g. $text-2-0-255-0.
  • Icons can beused with $ instead of just @. This was added to make it even more similar to Snap! (also so it's easier to convert Snap! labels to snapblocks).
    • Scaling and recoloring text can only be done with $, not @, @ is reserved for icons.
  • Easier input creation in custom block prototypes.
    • You can use {[string] (number) <boolean>} :: define+ to automatically get the correct upvar labels.
  • If there is @loop or @loopArrow at the end of a line right after a c-slot, that will be placed on the right side of the block, making that c-slot have a loop arrow.
  • Colors can be set using rgb values instead of just a hex color code, using this syntax rgb(r,g,b), for example, (color [rgb(0 , 255 , 255)] :: rgb(0,255,0)).
  • Allow for backslash in color input (to be text, rather than a color input), <touching color [\#fff] ?>.
  • Add @cloudGradient, @robot.
  • You can use either list or lists for the lists category.


  • Refactored the Snap! style line rendering, to make it more like the Snap! source code (in fact, I just copy / pasted / edited from the Snap! source code).
  • New color system, which calculates the colors in the code, which means that zebra coloring uses the exact same colors as Snap!.
  • Remade the Snap! turnRight and turnLeft icons.
  • If a scale for an icon is set, the size will be 10 instead of 12.
  • @circle is no longer the same as @circleSolid, it's now a circle outline, like in Snap!.
  • @flag is now not colored, whereas @greenFlag is (I also added @greenflag because snap 10 uses that).
  • @loop is the full size loop, and @loopArrow is the scaled loop (again, from snap 10).
  • @turtle is now scaled by 1.2.
  • Probably more that I'm forgetting.


  • Fixed the Snap! drop-shadow scaling on scaled icons.
  • General improvements to the Snap! style.
  • Fixed the Scratch 3 min hat width.
  • Fixed the line after the extension icon in the Scratch 3 style not showing up.
  • Fixed some blocks that were improperly detected.
  • Snap! custom blocks check for shape as as well as spec.
  • Upvars are formatted correctly.
  • Zebra coloring on upvars has been fixed (I didn't realize it was a problem before).
  • And many more fixes.


define {{test {test :: custom-arg} :: motion}

The forum doesn't have snapblocks, so you'll have to test it out on Sorry.

Oh! Have you made a PR?

No, I'm not sure where it is. Plus, I think I have an idea on how to make a better plugin, one that reads the raw post, rather than rendering the snapblocks after the rest of the rendering (I was looking at the checkbox plugin). Meaning, I have an idea on how to make it so we don't have to do a whole bunch of weird stuff to get the snapblocks to render correctly.

Great, can't wait!

I'd have to figure out how to setup discourse locally to test it though...

Doesn't Discourse have a tutorial on that?

Probably, I just haven't looked into it.