Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 5)

Oh, thx. Nvm.

Mines is "Slate Technologies"

You don't have an account.

Oh nevermind

I think I'm going to start working on this again.



Because this is my project. Am I not allowed to bump my own project?

Well you can bump your own project. I'm just asking why

I just want to work on it again.

Does anybody want to Jr-iffy the Variables category?

I would but I don't know how to.

Actually @joecooldoo it's already made.

That's not Snap! Jr. Official. (Original one was by me)


you have Snap! Extensions (Part 4) - #29 by sirhopsalot do you need to work on this again? ( if so I will help! )

Wellll, Its not finished. And sure! You can help.



%n is a number input.
%dir is a direction spinner input.
%dst I can't remember.
%cst is a costume input.
%s is a string
Put %mult before any input to make it a multiple input list.
%snd is a sound input.
%note shows the note picker when the input is clicked
%clr is a color input.

There is more, but I don't want to explain all of them.
Also, you can do the variables category.

        // Variables
        doSetVar: {
            type: 'command',
            category: 'variables',
            spec: 'set %var to %s',
            defaults: [null, 0]
        doChangeVar: {
            type: 'command',
            category: 'variables',
            spec: 'change %var by %n',
            defaults: [null, 1]
        doShowVar: {
            type: 'command',
            category: 'variables',
            spec: 'show variable %var'
        doHideVar: {
            type: 'command',
            category: 'variables',
            spec: 'hide variable %var'
        doDeclareVariables: {
            type: 'command',
            category: 'other',
            spec: 'script variables %scriptVars'

I am [redacted] so if you need members you can use me.
P.S I am smart enough to know about continuations!