Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 5)

Unfortunately Snap! Jr. is not on Google. Also look:

well that sucks!

Snap! Jr. around the world:

Blue spots means locations of people around the world

Not really.

Didn't work.

It didn't work?

Nope. It didn't make it the Flat Design.

Lines 214-226 of gui.js:

        ctx.fillStyle = this.groupColor.darker(2).toString();
        ctx.fillRect(i + 2, 0, 1, 100);
    return pic;


// IDE_Morph instance creation:

function IDE_Morph(isAutoFill) {

Turn that




Oh, and make sure nothing else says to have the default design.

Still doesn't work.

Including in other *.js files.

That is the only area where it exists.

Not just IDE_Morph.prototype.setDefaultDesign();, but also wherever settings are initially set, etc.

I have already tried that.

@joecooldoo how do I delete my account

Screenshot at 2021-09-27 21-42-24
Hey! Snap! Jr. is on duckduck go!

I think you should remove that form the Scratch wiki. It has nothing to do with Scratch.

It is in my userpage.

As far as I know you don't have one.

Can you delete my account?

I did already. A long time ago.