Snap! Extensions (Part 1)

You know what also is weird? ScratchClient keeps uninstalling itself, causing the server to crash!

Does anybody have any ideas on what I should add? Im clueless right now. :exploding_head:

Cloud messages.

Hmm. Ill see what I can do.

Sorry, I cant make cloud messages, because the process takes to long for [scratchblocks]when <> \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \::control hat[/scratchblocks]

You know, I have a Scratch Wiki I made a while ago explaining Scratchclient. Here it is:How to Access the Scratch API Using Python 3 - Scratch Wiki Maybe you could add some features from there.

That is what I used. :smiley:

Nice. Did I tell you about it before or...

Yes, and its on google. And on the search page of the wiki

Wait for real? I just tried the google part. But where on the wiki?

Search Python 3

Oh yeah. That's so cool!

Is it okay to be using a Scratch server (is that what you're doing? Or just copying its code?) for non-Scratch purposes?

Somebody made a thing called scratchclient, so I guessing it is ok, as long as your not doing something bad. All im doing is getting the value of a cloud var in scratch anyway.

Check out the wiki. What the module does is it pretty much pretends to be Scratch. What Scratch does is it tells the Scratch API that [user] has [loved/favourited/followed/commented etc.] this [user, project, studio]. This module does the same thing. Then when someone goes to say a project. Scratch makes a GET request to the API for all the information on the project. Love count. Favourite count. View count. Remix count. Et cetera.

I got reported from TimMcCool for setting his highscore to 999999999 and the highscore holder to me. So if someone does the same, the account could get banned. Permanently.

Are you talking about cloud vars in the sensing category? Or getting the value of a cloud variable?

If you are talking about the cloud vars in the sensing category, I made those.

If your talking about the get value block, then

My code doesn't do that. Yours does, however.
This has nothing to do with Snap! Extensions.

That's the name of this forum... EDIT: forum TOPIC

:man_facepalming: THIS:

Has nothing to do with Snap! Extensions.

Ah. No I was just saying if your code permits users to set cloud vars on Scratch then