‘Snap!’ Extension

I’m making/coding a fire fox extension for snap!
It currently has a pop up when you click on is, changes some things on the site. The pop up is going the have some bookmarks around the site.
And I am wondering if I can have some ideas for it!

Waiting... =]

I am very confused.What are you developing exactly?

A firefox extension for snap!
Go to: https://dan4.glitch.me/XDadfghgbvxxdd1f5bf.html
And enter: 11lol
Then you can download
FIREFOX only :~]

But what does that extension to do?

Not much yet, I need ideas! That's why i made this

But what does it do now?

Popup when you click on it, and changes some css on the front page buttons

Oh. I see. Maybe you could add a feature to change the italicization of Snap! in the forums?

I could

That was a suggestion.

I know

Is there a link to the unpacked code? I don't have firefox. :frowning:

No, there anit

Or go to https://dan4.glitch.me/1082.html

That might be the wrong link

No,it's your download link!

@danielthebanana4 I made it a chrome extension. Download it, and then drag it onto the Chrome Extensions page for chromebooks. For other chrome versions, download this zip, unzip it, go to chrome://extensions, turn on developer mode, and click load unpacked. Then, open the folder inside the zip.

uh oh! i can't downald this :frowning:

Why? What browser are you using?