Save mouse movement

I might be the last person to realise this, but if you just add the broadcast green flag (which you get by shift-left clicking on the drop-down arrow) to top left of your project - you can save yourself a lot of mouse movement when editing projects


When I saw the title, I thought you were doing something with the webcam and AI, but this is cool too. Yet to try it out...

Changed title :slight_smile:

You know you could do, instead of
for(row) = [1] to(length of (galaxy)::list)::control

for each(row) in (galaxy)::list

yes :slight_smile:
It's to get around an issue with blocks in the for each loop having empty slots getting auto-magically filled

To see the issue - run these two to compare what happens


Hm, right-clicking the dropdown arrow doesn't work for me. I think you have to shift-left-click it instead.
It also works if you enter __shout__go__ into the message box.

corrected ta

implicit gra(e)y ring