Record Movements Block

To some people they may feel like this.

The truth is, they are. I even gave examples like

which is feedback/constructive criticism, right?
I also explained why I think they should use

by saying

I should have said "It has its limit all the time" but you get the jist of it.


I meant that it's an abuse of flagging and such because people would probably use flagging to resolve anything from topics to something they don't agree with.

Think of it as like prank calling the police. They won't like that.

The tone you said that one at is feedback but in some other topics you have said some a bit different.


We should probably stop this argument or one of us or all of us will be suspended from the forums.

Okay then.

Alright, mr_owl, here's what earthrulerr gave to us to resolve our argument:

Please read it thoroughly.

Now that is rude.
Ok, fine we will stop, but your tone comes off as harsh and aggressive sometimes.

It’s not really rude when I first made it I was thinking of putting please read it thoroughly, enough, no more arguments on this topic after this. This is nonsense.


fine I'll remove it
edit remove your edit

I said please.

This will be the last of these arguments. So


I already said ok.

@bh remove the argument

I've done this before, it is quite interesting, you could record movements in games if you recorded every variable to be played back.

Yeah ik.
Can you do a survey for me?
Do you find this

  • Useful
  • Okay
  • Bad

Ehhh... I wouldn't call it just 'okay', I also wouldn't call it bad. It may be useful to debug things maybe by showing exact movements in certain situations? It is probably useful in certain areas.


(This is sort of a repost comment (My comment) so you don't have to read it if you don't want to.)
I have suggestions (In case you didn't read them):

You should use Browser Storage to store that data so you can take that data to another project. That way you don't have to reimport that data meticulously.

I mean, you can make a project with that existing data, tell people to "download" it, or run it and store it on their browser, and now that all that data exists on the user's browser, you can tell them to run the REAL project. This is efficient.

Ok maybe

This is my idea.