I am announcing new series you're been waiting for a big long time:
It is not finished yet so wait big time and also,
i'm not telling you what it is about!
Don't report/flag this if your feeling repugnant!
it seems pretty cool
what's this all about?
Eric said:
no, he said:
- DaVinci
- Who said he did?
Hard to imagine that a thread that started as this one did could degenerate further...
sounds epic
Everyone, here's my 100% accurate response on what PYOP is actually about:
PYOP (Poop Your Own Poop) is and will be the Snap! equivalent to YouTube's YTP (YouTube Poop)
Also, no offence but, it has nothing to do with Leonardo Davinchi at all.
oh! you meant:
(this is a joke)
Here are the characters that would be in PYOP (Poop Your Own Poop):
Characters from the Mario universe: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Wario, Waluigi, Oogtar, The Koopalings
Characters from the Zelda universe: Link, Princess Zelda, King Harkinian, Gwonam, Morshu, Impa, Ganon, Mayor Cravindish (Every Character from the Zelda universe should use the designs that are commonly used in YTP (YouTube Poop))
Other Characters: Tyrannosaurus Alan, George Volcano, Michael Rosen, I.M. Meen, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Scratch Cat, Alonzo, Pac-Man, Dr. Rabbit
Ok, here is the 100% official logo for PYOP (Poop Your Own Poop):
What do you think?
do you want my honest opinion, or do you want a made-up one?
I don't even know...
"opinion" to be nice: that's great!
real opinion: it looks weird
Oi mates, I have created the official PYOP Collection:
and also,
i changed the 100% official logo for PYOP (Poop Your Own Poop):
and also,
I created the first published PYOP Ever:
What do you think?
it lives up to it's name
Why does it look weird?