Please use the Scratch's own draggable setting instead! (Please Vote!)

Please use the Scratch's own draggable setting instead!
Why? Because it's better than Snap!'s own draggable setting.
If you want to know the differences between Scratch's own draggable setting and Snap!'s own draggable setting, check this out:

And also, every time you make a new project, the draggable setting must be false by default.

I disagree. When I want to click on a sprite in Scratch, it sometimes drags it. And that is very annoying. I have to go into fullscreen so it doesn't happen. I don't have that problem in Snap.


Yep - its one of the first issues my classes used to find when playing the Pong game - that the bat didn't stay at the bottom and that it ended up being dragged up the screen :slight_smile:

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It's my opinion, so it dosent matter.

I disagree. It is one of the worst mistakes Snap! has ever done.

I've had a play around and come up with this block

<blocks app="Snap! 6," version="1"><block-definition s="set draggable to Scratch mode" type="command" category="sensing"><header></header><code></code><translations></translations><inputs></inputs><script><block s="doForever"><script><block s="doIfElse"><custom-block s="setting %s"><l>Presentation mode</l></custom-block><script><block s="doSetVar"><l><option>my draggable?</option></l><block s="reportBoolean"><l><bool>false</bool></l></block></block></script><script><block s="doSetVar"><l><option>my draggable?</option></l><block s="reportBoolean"><l><bool>true</bool></l></block></block></script></block></script></block></script></block-definition><block-definition s="setting %&apos;which&apos;" type="reporter" category="sensing"><comment x="0" y="0" w="254.66666666666666" collapsed="false">Allows reading global settings programmatically.&#xD;&#xD;Eisenberg&apos;s Law:  Anything you can do from the user interface you should be able to do in your program, and vice versa.  This library is just a beginning; there are many UI controls outside of the Settings menu.</comment><header></header><code></code><translations>pt:o valor da configuração _&#xD;</translations><inputs><input type="%s" readonly="true"><options>Project notes&#xD;Project name&#xD;User&#xD;Presentation mode&#xD;Language&#xD;Zoom blocks&#xD;Stage size&#xD;Stage scale&#xD;Retina display support&#xD;Long form input dialog&#xD;Plain prototype labels&#xD;Input sliders&#xD;Execute on slider change&#xD;Clicking sound&#xD;Turbo mode&#xD;Flat design&#xD;Keyboard editing&#xD;Visible stepping&#xD;Thread safe scripts&#xD;Prefer smooth animations&#xD;Flat line ends&#xD;Codification support&#xD;Inheritance support&#xD;Hyper blocks support&#xD;Visible palette</options></input></inputs><script><block s="doReport"><block s="evaluate"><block s="reportJSFunction"><list><l>which</l></list><l>var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph),&#xD;    ide = stage.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph),&#xD;    world = stage.parentThatIsA(WorldMorph);&#xD;&#xD;switch (which) {&#xD;    case &apos;Project notes&apos;:&#xD;        return ide.projectNotes;&#xD;    case &apos;Project name&apos;:&#xD;        return ide.projectName;&#xD;    case &apos;User&apos;:&#xD;        return;&#xD;    case &apos;Presentation mode&apos;:&#xD;        return ide.isAppMode;&#xD;    case &apos;Language&apos;:&#xD;        return SnapTranslator.language;&#xD;    case &apos;Zoom blocks&apos;:&#xD;        return SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.scale;&#xD;    case &apos;Stage size&apos;:&#xD;        return new List([StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.x,&#xD;                                   StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.y]);&#xD;    case &apos;Stage scale&apos;:&#xD;       return stage.scale;&#xD;    case &apos;Retina display support&apos;:&#xD;        return isRetinaEnabled();&#xD;    case &apos;Long form input dialog&apos;:&#xD;        return InputSlotDialogMorph.prototype.isLaunchingExpanded;&#xD;    case &apos;Plain prototype labels&apos;:&#xD;        return BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph.prototype.plainLabel;&#xD;    case &apos;Input sliders&apos;:&#xD;        return MorphicPreferences.useSliderForInput;&#xD;    case &apos;Execute on slider change&apos;:&#xD;        return ArgMorph.prototype.executeOnSliderEdit;&#xD;    case &apos;Clicking sound&apos;:&#xD;        return !!BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound;&#xD;    case &apos;Turbo mode&apos;:&#xD;        return stage.isFastTracked;&#xD;    case &apos;Flat design&apos;:&#xD;        return MorphicPreferences.isFlat;&#xD;    case &apos;Keyboard editing&apos;:&#xD;        return !!this.scripts.focus;&#xD;    case &apos;Visible stepping&apos;:&#xD;        return Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping;&#xD;    case &apos;Thread safe scripts&apos;:&#xD;        return stage.isThreadSafe;&#xD;    case &apos;Prefer smooth animations&apos;:&#xD;        return StageMorph.prototype.frameRate &gt; 0;&#xD;    case &apos;Flat line ends&apos;:&#xD;        return SpriteMorph.prototype.useFlatLineEnds;&#xD;    case &apos;Codification support&apos;:&#xD;        return StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping;&#xD;    case &apos;Inheritance support&apos;:&#xD;        return StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance;&#xD;    case &apos;Hyper blocks support&apos;:&#xD;        return Process.prototype.enableHyperOps;&#xD;    default: return which;&#xD;    case &apos;Visible palette&apos;:&#xD;        return ide.currentCategory;&#xD;}</l></block><list><block var="which"/></list></block></block></script></block-definition></blocks>

that uses a block from the Getters and setters library.

It might help you out if you need it for any sprites that you don't want to be draggable in presentation mode

You can simplify the code with:

set [my draggable? v] to <not (setting [Presentation mode v] :: sensing)>
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Yes! I want that feature!

yeah, dragging has been an issue for me

I like it :slight_smile:

I think this way of using it might be better as it doesn't run all the time.
