3 words: already on it.
I am not sure... how?
Of course, once I'm finished with it.
I was working on the mod when I noticed that the input fields look like the darker part of cooked chicken I don't quite understand how this happened but it's probably going to stay like this until I find a fix.
Edit: nevermind, found it out. The input field object inherits the color of the container, when the aligner had the default morph color. If you don't understand, don't worry I don't either.
I'm in a predicament right now... in a bit of a pickle, maybe. In a sticky situation, one may call it. Maybe in... I'll stop.
Anyway, before creating the library, the user will see this, right?
And after clicking OK, it sends the XML to the other dialog (that's not the problem right now! that was fairly easy to do) and (here's the problem) it's supposed to show the blocks to the right of the create library dialog. But I don't know how to do that.
The new dialog is like watching your kid grow up. Makes me happy.
I searched for the library's display block code and I didn't find anything I think would help me. I really don't want to have to ditch the preview display. Please, does anyone know what to do here?
Mod's almost done. I just need to let the personal libraries take in XML code instead of library files. This will be great...
Looks good! How would the personal libraries be sorted though?
Would adore for this to be officially part of vanilla Snap!, like the developers did with Snap Dark Flat Theme.
I haven't added sorting yet. I haven't even added deleting yet! I totally forgot about that. Yeah, alright right now libraries are sorted by newest last.
If you do, please add the ability to add a "space above" (or maybe sections).
Why do you want to duplicate libraries? Can't you just load a library, edit it, the save as a new library?
yeah, that's what I meant. nvm.
I've looked at the code for this before and it just changes variables to change the order of blocks specifically in the pallet, so maybe it should'nt be that hard to incorporate?
oh, that's good.
My honest thought was that it could be added post- or during resorting. It would probably be a separate option to arrange them, and it would not be a right click user menu thing.
Would you guys like me making a personal library dev log forum post?
any updates on this?