You may have to get the vertical line from a different font... The closest I can find to what you want are
where "closest" means "thin bounding box." But plain old vertical bar (U+007C) can have a thin bounding box if you pick the right font, such as Arial Narrow, Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Plain, Candara (the font used in the Snap! logo), Copperplate Light, Didot, Free Sans, Helvetica Light, Helvetica Neue UltraLight, Helvetica Neue Thin, Herculanum (an especially tall one), Linux Libertine, Minion Pro (also extra tall), Mishafi Gold Regular (super thin and super tall), Nueva Std Condensed, Skia Light Condensed (also super thin and tall), Symbol (tall and thin), Waseem Light (the winner, I think, if you can find it). That's what I found in a quick search.
Only in variable naming. This actually pushes one of my buttons, because almost every CS curriculum except BJC gets it wrong. You're not converting from decimal to base whatever; you're converting from number to base-whatever numeral. You really understand this, because in your inverse block, you use a Text-type input rather than a Number-type input, because that block will convert a numeral into a number.
The reason you think you're converting from decimal is that Snap! happens to use decimal numerals to represent numbers. You can't represent a number directly; the closest you could come would be something like
five = {{ }, { }, ...}
the set of all sets of length five. So in fact Snap! itself uses something much like your program, with the base input equal to ten, to prepare numbers for display.
(Maybe you think I should be arguing that your program is actually converting base two numerals to some other base. There's a sense in which that's true, since numbers can't be represented directly even inside the computer. But it's more helpful, I think, to reserve the name "binary numeral" for a Text string of zeros and ones, and to think of the computer's internal representation as if it were an actual number.)
Cursor. If that's what you want, it definitely shouldn't be a character from a monospace font! A sprite sounds fine, better than drawing with the pen, because you'll keep wanting to move it.
Anything that indicates a position can be called a cursor, but the one provided in a text editor doesn't afaik have any other name. Maybe it's not a "pointer" because it's not arrowlike.